Collegio Geometri LatinaCollegio Geometri Teramo Collegio Geometri Caserta COIFA FIG Foundation CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE GEOMETRI Università degli Studi di Bari Politecnico di Bari Official Laboratory of Materials Testing Collegio Geometri Matera Collegio Geometri Bari
Monday, July 15, 2024 – Montorio Al Vomano (Teramo)
Meeting Point
Theoretical Technical Session
Official Opening Works

8:00 – 10:30, meeting point of participants at “ Ex Convento degli Zoccolanti
10:30 – 13:00, “ Ex Convento degli Zoccolanti
Tuesday, July 16, 2024 – Montorio Al Vomano (Teramo)

8:00 – 9:30, breakfast at Hotel Vomano in Montorio al Vomano

9:30 – 10:00, transfer from Hotel Vomano to "ex Convento degli Zoccolanti"

10:00 – 10:30, “What is 3D?”
open discussion with all participants in the XV International Training Summer School
coordinated by Piero Grimaldi

10:30 – 12:00, “Use of Extended Reality for Enhancement and Recovery of Historical Heritage ”
by Enrico Santori, Massimo Mastrilli and Diego Zazzeroni, MORE srl

12:00 – 12:30, Analysis of collective institutions in Islamic and pre-Islamic cities
by Hassan Osanloo, Soore University, Teheran, Islamic Republic of Iran
(online presentation from Tehran)

12:30 – 13:00, Report on Real Estate Estimates
by Cromwell Manoloto, National College of Surveyors

13:00 – 14:30, light lunch

16:00 – 18:30, Survey Simulation of an Archaeological Find
by Alberto Taraschi, Reverse Engineering - Society Steelte

18:30 – 19:30, Considerations and opinions of the participants in the XV International Training Summer School
coordinated by Piero Grimaldi

20:00, dinner

    Wednesday, July 17, 2024 – Montorio Al Vomano (Teramo)

8:00 – 9:30, breakfast at Hotel Vomano in Montorio al Vomano

9:30, Transfer from Hotel Vomano to "Valle Piola village" far surveying welcome mayor of the municipality of
Torricella Sicura (TE) Daniele Palumbi - BIM Teramo Pres. Marco Di Nicola

13:00, lunch

14:30 – 16:00, Free time for participants of XV lnternational Training Summer School

16:00, Development of the survey in BIM mode by Bim Manager & Coordinator Sandro De Marcellis (digitecno)

20:30, dinner

    Thursday, July 18, 2024 – Montorio Al Vomano (Teramo)
    3D LASER and SLAM scanning techniques
    Day open to all members of any College of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors in Italy:
    4CF issued by the College of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors of Teramo

8:00 – 9:30, breakfast at Hotel Vomano in Montorio al Vomano

9:30 Transfer to "Archaeological site the fast city and megalithic walls Colle del Vento"
survey activities we/come "Gran Sasso Laga Park"
by President Tommaso Navarra mayor of municipality Crognaleto (TE) Orlando Persia -- hiking guide far the day Davide Peluzzi

13:30, Light lunch

15:00, Free time for participants of XV lnternational Training Summer School

20:30, Dinner

    Friday , July 19, 2024 – Montorio al Vomano (Teramo) and Latina
    Day open to all members of any College of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors in Italy:
    4CF issued by the College of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors of Latina

6:30 – 7:00, breakfast at Hotel Vomano in Montorio al Vomano

7:00 – 10:30, transfer from Hotel Vomano to " College of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors of Latina"

10:30 – 11:00, Welcome greeting
Antonio D'Angelis, President College of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors of Latina

11:00 – 13:30, Surveys with use of New Technologies

The methodologies and the consequent instruments that will be used to realize the surveys will be
3D Terrestrial Laser Scanner by Laura Mattioli, FARO
Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) by Antonello di Maio, ETS
Thermographic Technique for Surveys
Drone - UAV: presentation of survey operations by Arcangelo Gavillucci

13:30 – 15:00, light lunch

15:30 – 17:30, 3D Laser Scanner Survey for Asset Integrity Management
by Alessandro Nanni and Silvia Alessandri of RAN Innovation Company

17:30 – 18:00, coffee break

18:00 – 19:00, transfer from “College of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors of Latina
to Holiday Village, Via Ponte Baratta I, 125 Salto di Fondi, 04020 Fondi (LT)

    Saturday , July 20, 2024 – Latina

8:00 – 9:30, breakfast

9:30 – 10:30, transfer from Holiday Village, Via Ponte Baratta I, 125 Salto di Fondi, 04020 Fondi (LT)
to “College of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors of Latina

10:30 – 12:30, Drone - UAV: presentation of survey data processing by Arcangelo Gavillucci

12:30 – 13:00, presentation of site “” to adopt a Cultural Heritage and “ Stereofot

13:00 – 14:00, light lunch

14:00 – 15:00, free time

15:00 – 16:00, transfer from “College of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors of Latina
to Holiday Village, Via Ponte Baratta I, 125 Salto di Fondi, 04020 Fondi (LT)

16:00 – 20:30, free time

20:30, dinner at Holiday Village, Via Ponte Baratta I, 125 Salto di Fondi, 04020 Fondi (LT)

    Sunday, July 21, 2024 – Latina and Caserta

    8:00 – 9:30, breakfast

    9:30 – 14:30, Stay on the beach at Holiday Village

    15:30 – 18:30, transfer to Caserta at HOTEL VILLA BELVEDERE

    18:30 free evening

    Monday, July 22, 2024 – Caserta

    ex Caserma Sacchi and Silk Weaving Loom located in San Leucio

    7:30 – 9:00, breakfast in HOTEL VILLA BELVEDERE

    9:00 – 9:30, transfer from HOTEL VILLA BELVEDERE to “ Belvedere di San Leucio di Caserta

    9:30 – 10:30, Greetings and introduction to works •
    Antonio Santosuosso, President of College of Surveyors and Graduated Surveyors of Avellino
    Aniello Della Valle, President of College of Surveyors and Graduated Surveyors of Caserta
    Pietro Grimaldi, COIFA President

    10:30 – 13:30, case studies relating to surveys with 3D laser scanners of
    "ex Caserma Sacchi" and "Silk Weaving Loom" located in "San Leucio" in Caserta:
    operational workflow from the digital survey to the point cloud by Pietro Grimaldi and Donato Lorubio,
    with subsequent theoretical and practical presentation of BIM by Giovanni Ciampi (online from the ACCA Software headquarters)

    13:30 – 14:30, buffet

    14:30 – 15:30, Visit to the Silk Museum of San Leucio

    15:30 – 19:00, transfer from Caserta to the Hotel Forastieri, SS106 Km 431, Scanzano Jonico MT

    19:00, free evening

      Tuesday, July 23, 2024 – Cugno dei Vagni – Nova Siri, Matera and Bari
      Inspection in Nova Siri Scalo, at the archaeological excavation of “Cugno dei Vagni”
      by Prof. Francesco Martorella.
      The archaeological excavation was carried out with 3D laser survey,
      thermography and GPR-Georadar.
      Analysis of archaeological survey data carried out in “Cugno dei Vagni”

      7:30 – 9:00, breakfast at Hotel Forastieri
      9:00 – 10:00, transfer from Hotel Forastieri to archaeological site “Cugno dei Vagni” in Nova Siri Scalo (Matera)
      10:30 – 12:30, Practical survey activity in archaeological site “Cugno dei Vagni” with the use of
      3D laser scanners, Drone-UAV, Photogrammetry and GPR-Georadar with the supervision of
      archaeologists Filomena Guariglia and Paola Iannuzziello
      12:30 – 14:00, lunch at Hotel Forastieri, SS106 Km 431, Scanzano Jonico MT
      14:00 – 15:30, transfer from Hotel Forastieri to Faculty of Architecture, UNIBAS in Matera
      15:30 – 17:30, Faculty of Architecture, UNIBAS, Matera
      Analysis of archaeological survey data carried out in “Cugno dei Vagni”
      by Prof. Francesco Martorella and Prof. Antonella Guida
      17:30 – 21:30, free time in Matera
      21:30 – 22:30, transfer from Matera to CAMPUS Hotel, via Celso Ulpiani 11, Bari

      Wednesday, July 24, 2024 – Bari, Bitonto and Capurso

      Study Day organized by Laboratorio Ufficiale Prove Materiali “M. Salvati”, Polytechnic of Bari

      7:30 – 8:30, breakfast at CAMPUS Hotel
      8:30 – 9:30, Theoretical lesson at the Laboratorio Ufficiale Prove Materiali “M. Salvati”, Polytechnic of Bari
      by D.Camassa, N. Pinchuk, M.D.Piccioni

      9:30 – 10:00, transfer from the Hotel Campus to the Cathedral of Bitonto

      10:00 – 12:00, Cathedral of Bitonto
      • GEORADAR-GPR technology (practical survey activity)

      • TERRESTRIAL INTERFEROMETRIC RADAR technology (practical survey activity):
      New technologies for dynamic identification of structures based on radar interferometry
      by D.Camassa, A.Castellano, A.Fraddosio, N. Pinchuk, M.D.Piccioni
      (Laboratorio Ufficiale Prove Materiali “M. Salvati”)

      12:00 – 13:30, break eating "focaccia" and walk around the "alleys" of historic center of Bitonto

      13:30 – 14:00, transfer from Cathedral of Bitonto to the FABLAB Bitonto

      14:00 – 16:00, Exhibition of the flow diagram from Survey with 3D Laser Scanner to Prototyping:
      Statue of Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies in the courtyard of
      the Belvedere of San Leucio holding the Leucian codex
      ” and “Prototype

      16:00 – 16:30, transfer from FABLAB Bitonto to SolidWorld Bari

      16:30 – 18:00, Study seminar at SolidWorld Bari
      Preserve cultural heritage with 3D scanning techniques?
      by Renzo TRISOLINI (SolidWorld)

      18:00 – 18:30, transfer from SolidWorld Bari to the
      Basilica Pontificia Maggiore Madonna del Pozzo patrona, Via Madonna del Pozzo, Capurso

      18:30 – 20:00, Welcome greeting from the Rector Guardian, Father Filippo D'ALESSANDRO
      • illustration of the workflow to realize survey Chapel “Madonna del Pozzo
      performed with laser scanner 3D by Pietro GRIMALDI and Donato LORUBIO (COIFA)

      20:00 – 21:30, culinary evening of Puglia specialties “panzerotti

      21:30 – 22:00, transfer from Capurso to CAMPUS Hotel

    Thursday, July 25, 2024 – Bari,

    7:30 – 9:00, breakfast at CAMPUS Hotel

    9:00 – 9:30, transfer from the Hotel Campus to the teaching room of ArCoD Department, Polytechnic of Bari

    9:30 – 11:30, Analysis of the surveys carried out and
    clarification of technical questions arising during the work of the XV International Training Summer School

    11:30 – 12:00, light lunch

    12:00 – 13:00, transfer to Alberobello

    13:00 – 14:30 stay in Alberobello at the Bibliocenter room “ex Concerie”: theoretical lesson concerning the survey of “trullo Tinelli”;

    14:30 – 16:30, Visit to Alberobello and analysis of the survey of “ Trullo Tinelli

    16:30 – 17:00, transfer from Alberobello to “Grotte di Castellana Grotte”

    17:00 – 18:30, Exhibition of the flow diagram of the survey work,
    of the "Grave" of the "Castellana Caves", in Castellana Grotte:
    survey carried out with Laser Scanner 3D and Drone
    by Piero Grimaldi, Donato Lorubio and Federico De Maglie

    19:00 – 20:00, Ensemble Concert LUCANIA MUSICAE MATER in the “Grave” of the Castellana Grotte

    20:00 – 21:00, transfer from Castellana Grotte to CAMPUS Hotel

      Friday, July 26, 2024 – Bari

    7:30 – 9:30, breakfast at CAMPUS Hotel

    9:30 – 10:00, transfer from Hotel Campus to the
    College of Surveyors and Graduated Surveyors, of Bari, Via Amendola 172/c, Bari

    10:00 – 11:30, Conference room College of Surveyors and Graduated Surveyors

    Introduction, Welcome and General Considerations
    •Pietro Grimaldi,
    President COIFA (Comitato Internazionale Fotogrammetria Architettonica)

    •Angelo Addante,
    President of College of Surveyors and Graduated Surveyors of Bari

    •Michele Picaro,
    Member of European Parliament's Environment Committee

    Contribution of FIG in the International Training Summer School
    •Diane Dumashie,
    President President of FIG (International Federation of Surveyors)

    •Paolo Biscaro,
    President of National Council of Surveyors and Graduated Surveyors of Italy (CNGeGL)

    Role of the University of Life Science “King Mihai I”, Timisoara,
    in the International Training Summer School
    •Cosmin Alin POPESCU
    Rector of Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
    “King Mihai I of Romania” of Timișoara

    •Bryn Fosburgh
    President FIG Fondaution (video presentation)

    •Enrico Rispoli
    Director FIG Fondaution
    Secretary of the National Council of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors of Italy (CNGeGL)

    •Palmalisa Allegretti
    Youth Commission Coordinator and School University Education Commission
    of College of Surveyors and Graduated Surveyors of Bari

    11:30 – 12:00, Technical session regarding the “European Land Registry”
    by Cornel Paunescu

    12:00 – 12:30, online connection from USA
    •John Hohol, President Emeritus FIG Fondaution

    12:30 – 13:00, Debate and Clarifications

    13:00 – 14:00, savory buffet

    14:00 – 16:00, free time

    16:00 – 17:00, Aula Magna “Aldo Cossu”, University of Bari, Via Scipione Crisanzio 1, Bari

    Painted architecture and perspective illusionism in Campania:
    the cases of Taurano (AV) and Ottaviano (NA)
    by Isabella Di Liddo, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”

    “Dressed Mannequin” statue of San Nicola by Giovanni Corsi (1794)
    and the historical procession “LaCaravella”
    Mimma Pasculli Ferrara, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”

    “Romanesque restoration” in Puglia:
    painted ceilings and planks between demolitions and recoveries
    by Emilio Mastropasqua, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”

    Decoration “Aula Magna” of Bari by the Prayer brothers:
    technique and restoration
    by Irene Malcangi, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”

    17:00 – 18:00, Interventions and Considerations relating to the Results
    obtained during the Surveys carried out during the
    XV International Training Summer School

    18:00 – 19:00, Closure of activities and delivery of certificates by
    •Diane Dumashie, President of FIG
    •Cosmin Alin Popescu, Rector of USAMV Timișoara

    19:00 – 20:30, cultural visit in “Bari Vecchia”, historic center of Bari

      Saturday, July 27, 2024 – Bari

    8:30 – 9:30, breakfast at CAMPUS Hotel

    information to participate ••••• +39 333 2960206